Promotional T-Shirts

Collar T-Shirts

Round Neck T-Shirts

V-Neck T-Shirts

Personalized T-Shirts

Did you know that t-shirts are fast becoming the favourite corporate gift? In our many years of serving a multitude of prospective organisations, we've witnessed a rising trend of using Customized T-Shirts in their growing ventures. Our Promotional T-Shirts can prove quite advantageous if you plan to excel your brand thriving and keep it updated. With our careful customization, they remain not just t-shirts; but become a piece of walking advertisement. Don't believe us? Try our wide and colourful range of promotional t-shirts.

Promotional T-Shirt Varieties

  • V-neck, round neck, half and full sleeve t-shirts
  • Polo neck and round neck t-shirts
  • Polo neck in Sarina and in tipping collar tape

Fabric for T-Shirt Printing Services

  • Round neck is in single jersey Lycra, single jersey spun, single jersey cotton. There is an exclusive range of four-way Lycra. Spun ranges from 180-190 GSM.
  • Polo-neck is in honeycomb spun T-Shrit Fabric (200 GSM), honeycomb P/C [48/52%] (220-230 GSM), double-tuck matty (240 GSM), and spun double-tuck matty (240 GSM).
  • Micro-polyester dry-fit fabric (180 GSM)
    1. Nirmal and rice knit
    2. Honeycomb and dot knit
  • Polo-neck and round-neck are in dry-fit and Lycra (180 GSM). This comes in full sublimation printing.

You are free to have your personalised logos, signs or URLs printed on these promotional t-shirts. Best thing is you are free to customize as per your requirement. From choosing the size, colour and pattern to designing, modifying and delivering, every step is performed according to your wish.

Heavy machinery and hard-working employees are at your par to render satisfactory services at your doorstep. Here, we have employed effective machinery in practice which promises best quality output. Different t-shirts printing techniques are put in action to create your required t-shirt printing services. Our products are rich in quality and quite economical to buy that meets your budget and target promotional purpose and marketing. Your personalized t-shirts are just one step away. Call Us now for Bulk Order +91-9818111999

Corporate T-Shirt Suppliers (Delhi NCR)